Saturday, January 5, 2008

Death and Dying

The first week I was here I visited two women, home bound and dying of AIDS. The images of them will forever be engraved in my mind. To say they were emaciated would be an understatement. They were so weak (and frail) they could barely walk. I'm not at all exaggerating when I say skin on bones. One of the two women died about a month after our visit. The other, Habbibat, I just found out passed away yesterday. Her husband died long ago, he was the one who infected her. Extramarital relationships are very common especially with the Muslim population. She had three children, two of which are currently in school courtesy of Faith Alive scholarships. The oldest, a teenager, is still in the village, uneducated. The worry now is what will happen to the two that are in school. Will they be able to stay with her sister here in Jos? Or will they be sent back to the village? Faith Alive of course is pushing for them to stay here and continue their education. I guess only time will tell.
I've seen and heard about more deaths in these last three months than I have in the last 24 years. Death due to bike accidents, car accidents, AIDS and other illnesses. Makes me realize how much I take for granted.

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